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GEA is accepting memberships for 2025

As an adult riding club, membership is available for persons 18 years and older

GEA is an EWA and ANWE WA affiliated club but is not currently affiliated with ARCA


Membership fees are non refundable

Our Membership Package outlines the basics on how the club is run, but if you have any questions
not covered in the pack, please
email the club. 

Application Form Rondelle
Membership Categories
& Fees

$170 per year

$85 mid year membership from 1st July


$120 per year (caters for those that may not be able attend many rallies (ie 5 or less)during the year. Rally and clinic fees are more.

You may at any time upgrade to a full membership by paying the additional $50 fee.).

Not available with mid year membership.


$310 (Two immediate family members living at the same address, e.g husband & wife; mother & daughter)

$155 (per additional immediate family member)

* NOTE: For the purposes of membership status family members are considered to be full members.


$20 (A non-riding membership that entitles you to attend club functions and fence sit at clinics and still feel part of our club although you may not have a horse ready to come to rallies yet. You may upgrade this membership at any time.) You will also have access to our closed Face Book forum, email correspondence and newsletters.

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